The news of game

 14 Ianuarius 2019 : Release 0.0.9
Discover what changes on our blog
 19 October 2018 : MAJ 0.0.4 : Interface improvements

 01 October 2018 : Release 0.0.3

 29 Martius 2018 : Release 0.0.1

 22 Februarius 2018 : From animals - adjustments

 12 Februarius 2018 : Have you noticed that some changes?

 05 Februarius 2018 : Do you plant gabbage?

 27 Ianuarius 2018 : From the Seigniorial Loom

 01 Ianuarius 2018 : Happy new year 1325

 24 December 2017 : From tournaments and duels

 17 December 2017 : From humidity level

 28 November 2017 : Weavers and Tunics

 23 November 2017 : Dark Friday

 23 November 2017 : Quota with 50 inhabitants

 28 Iulius 2017 : OYEZ ! OYEZ ! Kings, Queens, Regents and Senechals!

 22 Ianuarius 2017 : My characteristics

 20 Ianuarius 2017 : And the lvl grow up to ... 15000!

 02 Ianuarius 2017 : Beat new records!

 01 Ianuarius 2017 : Happy new year 1324

 26 December 2016 : Restrictions on the market

 24 December 2016 : Inscriptions and painful work

 24 November 2016 : Dark Friday

 15 September 2016 : 9 years, it's a sacred path anyway!

 07 Ianuarius 2016 : The general tavern is back!

 31 December 2015 : Happy new Year 1323!

 11 November 2015 : The epidemic is spreading

 18 October 2015 : Territorial consolidation

 08 Maius 2015 : Update of the mailbox

 27 Aprilis 2015 : Re-open of the game after 1 month paused.

 31 Martius 2015 : Server maintenance

 11 Martius 2015 : The Cathedrale's page has been updated and displaying now all members of the holy Curia.
 10 Februarius 2015 : MEMORY game has been updated (version 1.1) and the parties will follow but not alike.
The number of cards will gradually increase: 2 pairs, then 4 pairs, afterwards 6, to finish with 8 pairs to find.

 30 Ianuarius 2015 : Memory quests and points of festivity:
- A mini-games has arrived: the "MEMORY":
It will allow players to train their memory and compare their high score with other players.
The goal is ultimately to earn points festivity.

- 2 new quests will be added to the existing list:
The first will ask you to play at least once in the new game "MEMORY" with 1 point of common sense reward.
The second is daily and ask you to play 10 daily games offered for MEMORY, with 1 point of festivity to win in the end.

- The points of festivity:
As the lordships, players can earn points of festivities then do other actions (still in development).
It is possible, from tomorrow, via the Banque, to exchange packs 100 points of festivity against 1 "Credit Bank" and vice versa.

The maximum limit in gain of points is raised from 6000 to 9999 points.
 27 December 2014 : The provost can now send the bandits in jails, as the Count / Duke / Regent.
 30 November 2014 : Challenge your friends to a duel!
 29 October 2014 : The market is embellished with the arrival of purchase orders.
 30 September 2014 :
The game celebrates its 7 years of existence!
Have fun with your birthday present.

 04 September 2014 : The road starting from Trier to Cambrai was modified for going to Guise (Trier ↔ Cambrai become Trier ↔ Guise).
 26 Sextilis 2014 : The "Silver member" title has just seen its cost down: € 4.00 instead of € 5.00 or 6 "Credit Bank" instead of 8 "Credit Bank".
 23 Sextilis 2014 : The King/Emperor, Count/Duke/Regent and Pope can now make donations directly to their subordinates without having to be in each County/Duchy or lordship.
 21 Sextilis 2014 : to bee or not to bee?

The "Walking in the countryside" action will now provide between 1 and 4 flowers.
Alladdin will be selling bees in the near future.

So that bees produce honey you need to "plant" (2 min and -1 AP) flowers near the hives.
When the honey production reaches 5 you can "Harvest" (5 min and -1AP).
In order to do this one knife and one pot is needed.

This will produce 1 "honey pot" which contains 5 units.
Therefore you can consume honey 5 times from one pot.

 19 Sextilis 2014 : In August, what's happened under the coconut trees?

- When you are hired by another player you will be placed in their field or in the forest depending on the nature of the job itself.
- Count/Duke/Regent and Provost can now give food to the prisoners.
- The containers can be emptied, filled ... from the offices as they were from character's wallet.
- The Lord of the city must allegiance to the Count / Duke / Regent of the Province for allow mines exploitation. This allegiance must be confirmed each time a new Lord is named.
- Now we can set the number of works which we want to hire in the bakery, the sawmill and the windmill of the seigniory.
The Lord and the Bailiff can see the buildings in their office menus together with their respective building levels.
All the building are managed in a specific tab of the database rather than the village tab.
The Lord and the Bailiff can also set the number of workers for the next day.

 01 Iulius 2014 : In July, become a master!

Making objects in workshops is now capped by the mastery of the work himself.
Bakers make more loafs of bread, but a bucket of water and a pound of salt are now required to make 12 to 15 loafs of bread.

 03 Iunius 2014 : In June, revise your vellum!

Studies do not take all day and become short actions (1 hour).
Teachers must have a grimoire and not vellum to teach.
Students must have a vellum in order to follow lessons.
Various bonuses are awarded according to the choice of teacher and student possessions objects.

 05 Maius 2014 : In May, travel on EM as you might!

The map was reviewed and many roads are now shorter, merchants will be happy !

Firstly, two new roads:
  • Cergy - Bapaume : 1 intermediate node and
  • Dover - Edinburgh : 3 intermediate nodes.

Then, lots of shortening roads:
  • Paris - Troyes: from 2 to 1 node,
  • Paris - Orléans: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Cergy - Rouen: from 2 to 1 node,
  • Rouen - Abbeville: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Abbeville - Calais: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Calais - Arras: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Calais - Brugge: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Compiègne - Guise: from 2 to 1 node,
  • Compiègne - Bapaume: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Bapaume - Arras: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Bapaume - Cambrai: from 3 to 1 node,
  • Cambrai - Trier: from 3 to 2 nodes,
  • Cambrai - Audenaarde: from 2 to 1 node,
  • Troyes - Beaucaire: from 3 to 2 nodes,
  • Bar - Saarbrücken: from 2 to 1 node and
  • Kraków - Sandomierz: from 2 to 1 node.

 29 Aprilis 2014 : In April, we don't lost the thread!
  • Weather in the villages change every 12 hours (4am, 4pm), but not the humidity in the cottages.
  • The maximum sales price for adult animals was increased from 55 [Currencies] to 85 [Currencies].
    The maximum sales price for colts and fillies, was increased from 25 [Currencies] to 35 [Currencies].

  • Plundering offices of NPCs now extended from their stocks to their coffers. For a minute, you can take an object or a whole stack of items in stock of NPC that you control and between 1 [currency] and 10% of the contents of safe deposit thereof.

  • Events were added at the beginning and the end of fighting to inform players with whom they engage in a duel.

 01 Martius 2014 : March unleashed!
- Navigation:
  • In the left menu, when you were in a building of the lordship, the button to show / hide submenu was not displayed.
    However when you entered the market and were going on the Fair or on the royal market, submenu was hidden.
    You needed to go back to the tab "market" or click the link of the lordship to have access again to the buildings links.
    The link is now permanently displayed as the County / Duchy one.

- History:
  • When you trained at garrison and allready had maximum points in one skill, you did not see in your diary the fight points you earned during training.
    Event log has been added in the diary.

- Monthly Quest votes:
  • Players who missed one or several votes days will not receive the "Credit Bank" but a conversion in [Currency] according to the number of days they supported the game:
    Example: I voted 26th on February (instead of 28) : I receive 26 [Currencies].
    n.b. 1 "Credit Bank" can be exchanged against 30 [Currencies] in "The Bank".

- Buckets, jugs, cups and other containers:
  • A new management has been introduced for the containers.
    Buckets will no more get old than expected when you use them.

- Baillif / Lord:
  • Event has been added in the logs when the Bailiff burn a tax or a fine.

- History of several NPCs:
  • New event appeared at the end of the list when it should be at the beginning.

- Market sales:
  • It is now impossible to sell goods in a market when you are not in the lordship.

- Sounds In taverns:
  • It is now possible to turn of the sound effects in the tavern.

 24 Februarius 2014 : Some updates:
* Foundry: compliance done beetwen raw materials displayed and really used.
* Holiday: bug fixed, fields get older beside the character was in V if he has been connected in the previous week.
* Travels: Only horses can now be trained. Sea travel: equiped horse is considered as an animal in the herd: penalty 3 minutes rather than 5, 10 or 15 minutes (if players were gold members, silver members or simple players).
 07 Ianuarius 2014 : Beaucaire is now the capital of Venaisssin.
 04 Ianuarius 2014 : Each lordship adopts a public billboard, open to all! (225 signs per message and one message per day and per player)
 01 Ianuarius 2014 : Happy new year 1321!
 05 December 2013 : Restrictions against deacons have changed:
- They can again prepare masses and vespers, and teach.
- They can not pay tithes to the bishop and can not change the religion of a parish.
 02 December 2013 : Deacons are unable to prepare nor masses nor vespers and they can no more teach.
 21 November 2013 : The purchase of animals on the market are no longer restricted to pasture we have. Purchased animals are now going to the herd and can't be sold if they are hungry.
 20 November 2013 : A new work was added: Plant trees in the forest.
 15 November 2013 : Express travel for silver and gold members have been changed.
 11 November 2013 : The cycle time of growing vegetables was increased by one day.
 10 November 2013 : The long road that once connected Kraków to Bar, is gone. Two new was created: Kraków - Speyer and Bar - Saarbrücken. Trier - Koblenz has now one node instead of two.
 30 October 2013 : Gains of mastery points are most important during training, with a stick, a spear, a bow or crossbow. Points of Mastery of fight are now subject to certain limits if the mastery of basic weapon is not developed enough.
 28 October 2013 : Captains of Lordships / Capitals can automatically or not accept new people into their army.
 01 September 2013 : The monthly bonus "Credit Bank" has been replaced by a quest that you will have to fill every day.
 14 Sextilis 2013 : Sea travel time is back to its initial value: 6 hours +/- horse bonus and herd malus.
 11 Sextilis 2013 : Three new roads are created: Speyer ↔ Athens, Tours ↔ Porto and Troyes ↔ Avignon.
 29 Iulius 2013 : Now four wood logs can make a wood cord.
 18 Iulius 2013 : A new game version : the V3.0.0 !
 17 Iulius 2013 : The road between Antwerp and Arras is now closed due to a landslide. A detour has been setup via Oudenaarde.
 09 Iunius 2013 : Objects placed in the inventory of a group are only accessible to members of the group who are in the same place as these objects.
 28 Maius 2013 : A new HRP chat on the game. Discover it on the right menu when you log in.
 12 Maius 2013 : Bakers can use one wood cord or 4 wood logs to make bread.
 12 Maius 2013 : We can now choose the sex of the descendant of his character to the death of it.
 30 Aprilis 2013 : You can give alms to the poor by giving them bread. For each loaf given, you will earn a prestige point.
 29 Aprilis 2013 : The bishops and priests can now change the religion that they preach.
 25 Martius 2013 : The change of religion are less restrictive: see the forum.
 12 Martius 2013 : Silver and gold members can now prolong their gold account for also have benefits from promotions.
 09 Martius 2013 : Players can now change again their character's name (new baptism) in the church, with 4 "Credit Bank".
 08 Martius 2013 : The tournaments are launched on Medieval Era, search for this new game possibility !
 27 Ianuarius 2013 : Aladdin travels lordships one by one. You can see the cart before the market if it is present at the place where you are.
 07 Ianuarius 2013 : All salary ranges are the maximum increase of 4 [Currencies].
 06 Ianuarius 2013 : Prestige just found a utility to apply for positions laity (Bailiff, Lord, Count / Duke / Regent) when the position is empty.
 06 Ianuarius 2013 : Take 5 minutes to check the quality of the goods you have just purchased.
 29 December 2012 : Offices of some NPCs are not as secure as before.
 28 October 2012 : The ceiling of caracteristics was raised to 6000 maximum.
 29 September 2012 : Dear players, we hope your support !
 04 September 2012 : The hebergist must from now on face a daily challenge: find goblets for sell its wine. Some productions (jugs and goblets) of the potter are updated. More information on the forum.
 01 September 2012 : Have a wheelbarrow or a cart, when you go to gather wood in forest, will bring more wood cords.
 22 Sextilis 2012 : The left menu in logout is updated and a musical background is added for you (click on "Listen").
 16 Sextilis 2012 : The yields of vegetables (carrots, cabbage, lettuce...) have been revised downwards, please read the FAQ for see new efficiencies.
 09 Sextilis 2012 : New rule about resurrection ! More informations here.
 07 Sextilis 2012 : Profils have a new look, more informations on the forum.
 16 Iulius 2012 : Travelers will be reassured, royal cartographers have finally managed to find their way through the dense forests of Vermandois, between Compiègne and Guise.
 05 Iulius 2012 : The remaining requested, when searching for workers to collect firewood, has been capped at 3. More info HERE.
 29 Iunius 2012 : A few details about the Level 4 on the forum.
 22 Iunius 2012 : One first Medieval Era IRL in Mons [BE], comes doing a round !
 20 Iunius 2012 : The crossbowmen and bowmen now need wooden targets for their training in the garrison!
 16 Iunius 2012 : The inquisitor finally has its own office! The witch hunt is open!
 24 Aprilis 2012 : From now on, the object being worn on the body are linked to the character, we can no longer sell them!
 04 Aprilis 2012 : Update V2.1 : the inscriptions at game has been remade, more simple and more attractive ! New : the first connexion.
 30 Martius 2012 : Update V2.1 : fondries construction are enabled. In next days others updates will come.
 28 Martius 2012 : Everybody who joined the Medieval era facebook group before the 2 April 2012 will receive 3 free days of Gold Member ! Go, go, go, the date will come ! =)
 22 Martius 2012 : The forum is re-opened on a new server.
 16 Martius 2012 : Combat training by crossbow is activated and the armorer must provide the arrows at the crossbowmen !
 15 Martius 2012 : The number of 'Action Points' (Pa) was reduced to 6 by default. We win 1 by eating for 2 Points of Hunger (Ph) per day and an other after 3 drinks.
 15 Martius 2012 : The duchy of Spoleto in the Papal States of Rome is opened at the Italian players !
 15 Martius 2012 : The kingdom of Portugal and duchy of Viseu are opened to all Portuguese players ! Welcome in the game ;)
 06 Martius 2012 : Combat training in archery is activated and the armorer must provide the arrows at archers !
 01 Martius 2012 : This Friday 2 March: Special day of animation ! Soon you will have more informations on the day's program in the forum, so stay alert.
 17 Februarius 2012 : A new domain name is available for german community :
 15 Februarius 2012 : Do you like Medieval Era ? Do You think it is unique ? Demonstrate your support you too! (login and join the link to testify!)
 14 Februarius 2012 : Congratulations dear players, you can activate from now your free week of Silver Member account.
 02 Februarius 2012 : IntEgration of Silver member account and Gold member account
 13 Ianuarius 2012 : The trip improved (Part 4 / 4): Now you can travel faster or slower. According that or not you have a mount, a herd, or the two. New skills, new items useful to mount, innovations that promote the profession of horse breeders, trade and life in the Medieval Era continues unabated ... More information on the forum soon.
 12 Ianuarius 2012 : The trip improved (Part 3 / 4): the palfreys were activated. For have a palfrey you must ask to a horse breeder. He'll train horse for you and you resell once become a palfrey. You can mount it for travel or lead a herd !
 11 Ianuarius 2012 : The trip improved (Part 2 / 4) : you can own a horse, a palfrey more precisely, for travel now (see forum for more informations).
 11 Ianuarius 2012 : The trip improved (Part 1 / 4): all the characters can own, feed and lead a herd of horses (see forum for more informations).
 31 December 2011 : We wish you our best wishes to all for 2012, here and on the forum (cf: see Announcements).
 30 December 2011 : The scythe is now the only tool used to harvest crops!
 07 December 2011 : You can now win "Credit Bank" via daily's votes.
 21 November 2011 : A new option has appeared in the inventories: "Throw" an object (does not work for the [currency]).
 20 October 2011 : Take a weapon and go hunting for get a superior performance !
 15 October 2011 : For heating, wood logs!
 14 October 2011 : Winter is coming slowly, it's time to heat your cottage !
 10 October 2011 : A new feature appeared in the game: health . Check out daily updates on the forum about this new feature.
 07 October 2011 : The possibility to dress her character is now available on the game and weavers can now frabiquer clothes !
 18 September 2011 : The Poland Kingdom is open to settlers with the Duchy of Krakowskie and the Capital of Kraków!
 10 September 2011 : The Castille Kingdom is open to settlers with the Kingdom of Seville and the Seigniory of Seville!
 03 Sextilis 2011 : The war of positions begins! Deacons positions are open to applicants.
 26 Iulius 2011 : Foundries have been to update and a new foundry was created at Arras.
 25 Iulius 2011 : Today, it is possible to play Medieval Era in nine languages in addition to French. The italian players can be registered in game. We invite other players from other linguistic communities to translate the game in their language. Contact administration for more informations.
 25 Iulius 2011 : For last sales week : more Credit Banks offert for your purchases via Allopass and Paypal (credit card). See it on the forum.
 11 Iulius 2011 : Today, some dukes / earls can coin money. More informations on forum.
 10 Iulius 2011 : A new administrator of communication and means of communication has been named !
 05 Iulius 2011 : The Lordship of Bar is opened at germans players.
 05 Iulius 2011 : A new language translation: Polish. At the request of some players, the polish players can used allopass now.
 02 Iulius 2011 : Paypal is revisited for the month of July, see the announcement on the forum for more information.
 02 Iulius 2011 : The sale starts on Medieval Era, for your purchase of two allopass "bank credit" you will receive one free. Other products such as PayPal will soon be sale.
 24 Iunius 2011 : The bailiffs can make donations of items such as lords. Parishes can also help their parishioners in the same procedure.
 23 Iunius 2011 : The Lord can now donate subject to the characters ! Several other NPCs will get this feature soon.
 23 Iunius 2011 : We offer for V2.0 of the game : a monetary system. More information on the forum (See Announcements) !
 06 Iunius 2011 : The new package "Patience" has arrived!
 05 Iunius 2011 : The PayPal service is available again and very soon a new feature pack for the more impatient!
 02 Iunius 2011 : Welcome to the new server, opening this Friday, June 3, 2011
 03 Maius 2011 : A new server on the way !
 17 Aprilis 2011 : Troyes in Champagne!
 13 Februarius 2011 : The Kingdom of Scotland has just been created. The Lordship of Cergy reopens its doors to new players. Rouen and Audenarde are also in settlement.
 09 Ianuarius 2011 :
... and Happy New Year...
Pay your employees in kind!
 30 November 2010 : Now, ambulant merchants Alladin can buy some old goods.
 01 November 2010 : The church can give money to the Lordship / Capital which it depends.
 23 September 2010 : The nobles can marry in the cathedral and the commoners at the church.
 22 September 2010 : Happy Birthday Medieval Era! Yep, the game started from three years ago!
 24 Sextilis 2010 : An earthquake shook the whole kingdom, and almost everyone has forgotten what he was doing to go home. (Bug in the table of members)
 26 Iunius 2010 : Here they are! Mandates! For additional information CLIC HERE !
 19 Iunius 2010 : Longbowman and crossbowman positions are open to all men-at-arms in lordship's retinues.
 01 Maius 2010 : A new graphic designer has joined the team of Medieval Era.
 13 Aprilis 2010 : Patience, needed for so many characters can now be learned through meditation in the church.
 12 Aprilis 2010 : Loaves of bread number needed to prepare Mass and Vespers depand on the number of deacons present in every parish
Teachers' pay is not reset to 0 when passing day once defined.
 07 Aprilis 2010 : Combat training is now open to all men of arms in a lordship retinue.
 31 Martius 2010 : A new bonus pack has been added to the Bank: the "Action" Pack (+1 action point a day)!
 27 Martius 2010 : The church may now gather goods through automatic purchasing system. (Monks can manage this throught their own stock).
 22 Martius 2010 : Medieval Era acquires an RSS feed. Now, you can get the latest game news live in direct.
 02 Martius 2010 : A new language available to play this game with: Bulgarian !
(Ctrl + F5 to see the new flag)
 25 Februarius 2010 : Time relevant to certain actions throughout the game has been lowered. More information here.
 21 Februarius 2010 : Archbishops may now name and depose bishops / vicars /canons / prosecutors / inquisitors in the different bishoprics of their lands.
 18 Februarius 2010 : Cold periods ( "Snow" or "Freeze") may no longer than exceed 4 days back to back.
 18 Februarius 2010 : NPC (as institutions and authorities) may now give money to the church, juste like characters.
 29 Ianuarius 2010 : After the Byzantine Empire, it's now Avignon that open his doors to players.
 01 Ianuarius 2010 : A new year ! Best wishes to all for 2010!
 11 December 2009 : As we approach the holidays, for every valid Allopass code submitted, 1 extra "Credit Bank" will be offered!
 25 November 2009 : Finaly, the last touch to competences : The exam for the primary studies certificate is open.
 27 October 2009 : The drawing competition Clothing is launched! Look HERE.
 15 October 2009 : Poaching is a risky business, just like robbery.
 13 October 2009 : A new language, Greek (CTRL+F5 if you do not see the blazon).
 09 Octobre 2009 : A new religion is now available in Medieval Era. (see forum for further information)
 07 October 2009 : The Lord can now shut access to the Forest to let it regrow peacefully.
 06 October 2009 : Let's have a drink here! If you do not drink for several days, you will lose skill points.
 1 September 2009 : Two years old and animals ! Further information here.
 16 August 2009 : Vespers: a new event that the priest/deacon can set (every Sunday afternoon from 15pm to 18pm).
 07 August 2009 : The lords can mobilize an army and people enrole through the Garrison.
 09 July 2009 : One new skill for every job. (See forum for further info)
 29 June 2009 : The inquisitorial court is activated.
 25 June 2009 : New skills have emerged in Medieval Era.
 24 June 2009 : The parochial schools are enabled.
 15 June 2009 : The maximum wages of workers have been revised upwards.
 10 Juin 2009 : Overproduction has been revised downwards by various changes.
 4 June 2009 : The bags may not contain more than 12 objects. Having a wheelbarrow or a cart, in your inventory, increase the storage place.
 26 May 2009 : Notice to all Harry: The Potter business is now open!
 3 May 2009 : Man overboard!!!
 17 April 2009 : A field of flax is growing somewhere. The weavers will be happy.
 10 April 2009 : If there are many lvl0 in the city, craftmen can't harvest their own fields. They must hire an employee for harvest and crop.
 2 April 2009 : The life expectancy of almost all items had been revised downwards.
 23 March 2009 : Small lifting in the page "At home". Thank you Childebert for these beautiful graphics.
 25 February 2009 : The number of items you can put in your inventory can not exceed certain limits and it is proportional to your strength!
 14 February 2009 : Offer flowers!
 3 February 2009 : You now have the possibility of archiving messages from your box.
 5 January 2009 : Server migration! After many data transfers, uploads and downloads, hair pulling and countless sleepless nights, the game and forum are now hosted on a brand new server!
 1 January 2009 :
A year has fled, farewell 2008, another arrives brand new, hello 2009!

 30 December 2008 : Server migration! All services will be suspended for the next days for the migration of the game's databases.
 12 December 2008 : Nails! This is now necessary to build scaffolding. A rich vein of silver was discovered in the mine of Compiegne.
 4 December 2008 : The Bishop can now appoint and depose the priests and deacons in parishes under his authority.
 22 November 2008 : The SREG opens its doors, with the County of Hainaut! This great empire will include all other ethnic and linguistic groups with multiple kingdoms.
 15 November 2008 : The King of France is dead! Long live the Queen!
 1 November 2008 : 1008 pumpkins were distributed today, a little late but HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
 24 October 2008 : Miilitiamen are now more likely to see actions from the thieves stop them.
 15 October 2008 : Amiens is oppening to new settlers.
 10 October 2008 : Two new objects can be made by blacksmith: knives ans cleavers.
 4 September 2008 : Butcher, tanner and weaver, are now fully fledged crafts in the eyes of our good King.
 31 August 2008 : The Lord can force the opening of mills, fournils and sawmills.
 30 August 2008 : The Dime is activated for the church. Each church will have to repay a dime, each week, to the diocese of which it depends, the diocese to the archdiocese and the archdiocese to the pope.
 8 August 2008 : The innkeeper can now work in his tavern.
 6 August 2008 : The Count/Duke/Regent can now maintain careers.
 3 August 2008 : A new stone career has been open around Cergy.
 1 August 2008 : The Provost can now begin the construction of fortifications his lordship, first a wooden fence, then a beautiful stone wall.
 31 July 2008 : Farmers must now have 5 bags of grain to sowing in their fields.
 29 July 2008 : The bishops and archbishops can access now to their office. They can also raise dime and organize their money.
 28 July 2008 : The management of the construction of the garrison is now made only by the provost. It now has the opportunity to buy on the market, raw materials for the construction of the garrison.
 26 July 2008 : To facilitate the settlement of small lordships, relocation fees were abolished in Cergy, Ermenonville and Abbeville.
 25 July 2008 : The lordship of Abbeville, in the Duchy of Ponthieu, was discovered by an explorer. The king of France brings together these troops to expel all the English outside Calais.
 19 July 2008 : When you propose a job to sow a field, to make harvesting, or go to collect firewood, you gain a point of prestige when a worker takes this job.
 17 July 2008 : The Bailiff can set an automatic purchase price for the various objects and foods. He may also recommend minimum and maximum prices on the market.
 16 July 2008 : The Count/Duke/Regent may open/close/do maintain each mine/career/salt marshes on its own County/Duchy/Royal Domain.
 11 July 2008 : A Friend list was added into the left menu in the game. Add your friends in this list and they will recieve a point of prestige!
 6 July 2008 : The itinerant merchants can sell their wares and cancel sales in lordships where they are, without necessarily reside in the lordship.
 3 July 2008 : The large square of the royal palace, common to all lordships of the same kingdom, has just opened in front of the gates to the castle of his majesty the King. (The kingdom => Aller sur la grande place du palais royal)
 2 July 2008 : MAJ of the chatroom in the tavern.
 20 June 2008 : It is no longer necessary to cancel a sale to change the price, you can change it into "my selling orders" and in "Sales of <PNJ>."
 8 June 2008 : Mills and fournils are open in the smaller lordships that do not have enough millers and bakers.
 5 June 2008 : The Count/Duke/Regent may set taxes to lordships attached to them, as well, the Roy may set taxes County/Duchy/Royal Domain.
 27 May 2008 : The shelf life of food and objects has been put into place. Once an "object" is too old, it disappears without a trace (no event in the history).
 22 May 2008 : The Lord can appoint/depose the innkeeper, of the lordship's tavern, of its functions.
 20 May 2008* : Sawmills are now open in the smaller lordships that do not have carpenters yet.
 20 May 2008 : Peasants/farmers can freely change the type of culture they want to plant after a harvest.
 18 May 2008 : The taxes may be levied by the Lord of each province. If after a week you have failed to pay it, it will cost you an extra Shilling per day.
 8 May 2008 : The official Church forum is open. Click on the link in the menu left or right to view and participate the forum.
 7 May 2008 : The belief points have been activated. You can gain 2 for praying and 3 for attending to a mass. They decrease with one per day. Supporting our site by voting in the taverns, will gain you a random bonus point.
 6 May 2008 : A new link has come up in the church, you can now pray.
 30 April 2008 : Every day, your character will have 6 aP's.
It is used when you take a job or cultivate the kitchen garden. You can see the calculations under 'Your characteristics'.
Drunkenness is taken into account when you apply for a job.
 23 April 2008* : Readjustment of the minimum output of fish. If you have patience > 20, you will at least catch one fish.
 23 April 2008 : Activation of the kitchen garden for those who finished their thatched cottage. Take one day asside for preparing the kitchen garden (1 day), the other actions take 1 hour!
 21 April 2008 : The villages of Cergy (Island of France) and of Ermenonville (Valois) have been created. An economy between these two cities can be established.
 15 April 2008 : The Lords have the possibility to emplow workman, who can build the garrison out of wood, stone and sheaves of thatch. More info here.
 12 April 2008 : The Lords can now have a terrain where they can build a garrison.
 11 April 2008 : The Counts/Dukes/Regents can train announcers, the lords can send them to announce messages in the villages, so that everyone will here what they have to say.
 9 April 2008 : Blacksmiths can forge lances (a blade and a handle needed).
 8 April 2008 : The interface of the Bailiff has been improved for managing the decrees.
 21 March 2008 : Limits to the wheather have been installed. I can now no longer freeze in the summer or be hot in the winter.
 19 March 2008* : The first weapons have made their appearance in the game! Blacksmiths can now forge blades.
 19 March 2008 : An Iron mine has been discovered during the exploration of Valois, north of Compiegne.
 7 March 2008* : A novelty for the church: the priests can now prepair a mass for each Sunday. Attending to the mass gives you a point of eloquence.
 7 March 2008 : The roads between Paris and Compiegne have been opened. Mind that you will change territory!
 5 March 2008* : Day festive and a third new: County of Valois opens with the Lordship of Compiègne.
 5 March 2008 : A new day and to news facts! 1: We have reached more than 1000 registered players, and 2: trunks have made their appearance in the game. You can now hide a small sum of money in there.
 4 March 2008 : You can now write to a character via its profile.
 29 February 2008 : Small modification to the system for armed robberies. More info here.
 28 February 2008 : The Count/Duke/Regent, the priests and the tenants can now buy from the market.
 27 February 2008 : The market has had a major update! The NPCs can now buy goods there, as well as the characters.
 26 February 2008 : A chatbox exploited by Best of Chat! has been installed. You can now register with your nick name. More info here.
 21 February 2008 : The pages are now more inviting.
 17 February 2008 : Characters have now mediaval names.
 16 February 2008 : The accused can now corrupt the Bailiff with their purse.
 12 February 2008 : It rains, it snows, it freezes!? Watch your fields!
 10 February 2008 : Characters with important jobs can work into their office.
 8 February 2008 : Attention, people of modest means, the streets are no longer safe! The robbers have arrived. More info here.
 7 February 2008 : The church recieves from the work of the monks: partridges, rabbits, fish and wood.
 4 February 2008** : The Bailiff can now release or punish a suspect. (Tribunal coded 2/4)
 4 February 2008* : The church can accept gifts, only in Solidus at the moment. The office of the priest is functional.
 2 February 2008 : The Court has opened its gates. More info here.
 29 January 2008 : The tenants can see more of the administration interface evolve. They can modiy the price of the drinks and close their tavern for public.
 28 January 2008 : The Count/Duke/Regent can now see the stock of the County/Duchy/Royal Domain, and sell this stock on the lordship market.
 27 January 2008 : The first career of the Kingdom has been discovered and declared by our good King.
 25 January 2008 : When you don't eat enough food for three days in a row, you will from now on loose characteristics!
 21 January 2008 : The taxes of the village have been raised.
 19 January 2008 : The Seneshal and the King of Arms now have an office. The King of Arms can raise to peerage. The heraudery is taking form now.
 12 January 2008* : The tenants can employ a host(ess) for the day, by going into the menus "The reserve".
 12 January 2008 : Opening of the taverns. The tenants can modify the presentation of the Tavern.
 11 January 2008 : Arrival of the decrees. The Baillif, vassal of the Lord, can now create, modify or remove decrees.
 5 January 2008 : The new forum has officially opened.
 4 January 2008 : Middle Age has officially opened on a new server, the registration is opened. =) A good game to all!
 1 January 2008 : A happy new year to all! This year Middle Age will keep evolving.
 30 December 2007 : The family lines appear in game. More information on the Forum.
 29 December 2007** : The Provost will find he has an office and a treasury, this will be used to engage soldiers.
 29 December 2007* : The owners of fields can engage clercs to work on their fields. Leprosy has made some victims.
 28 December 2007 : The villages and capitals consist of a Lord, a Baillif and a provost.
 27 December 2007 : The classification list has now been updated. You can see the daily TOP 10 of all characters.
 25 December 2007 : A merry Christmas to all of you. All our wishes for happiness and small presents for everyone!
 22 December 2007 : The Miller has now been added to the list of possible trades.
 21 December 2007 : The rivers can now be exploited.
An employer can now withdraw his vacancy. (Enabling taxes will be the way against employers who offer very low wages.)
 19 December 2007 : The tavern of the village now provides mills. You can now choose to become a baker when you go to level 2.
 18 December 2007 : The fields of those on level 2 can now be cultivated. You will find seeding bags in the village market.
 17 December 2007 : All the engineers of Paris have found the forge good enough to be worked in. From now on they are all Blacksmiths. Thus is the Kings decision.
 16 December 2007 : You can now start to build your cottage.
 14 December 2007 : A colony of rabbits has invaded the forrest.
 10 December 2007 : The plague has devastated the whole Kingdom and more than a thousand poor people have died! The city of Paris is still upright, but for how long?
 8 December 2007 : The plague has fallen upon our Kingdom, all villages did have outbreaks, and the King, in all his wisdom, commanded every citizen to gather downtown of Paris.
 30 November 2007 : The roads to Champagne are now open.
 28 November 2007 : Come and leave a small word of what you think of Middle Ages in our Golden Book.
 27 November 2007 : Recruiting is coded, only the carpenter can recruit at the moment.
 25 November 2007 : A solution for several bugs (church: more automatic recruitment), and improvements in several things (the taverns, gaining of strength when you chop wood),...
 21 November 2007 : The new Missiverie come from naistre and it is functioning.
 13 November 2007 : The Court has been coded. From tomorrow, the Baillif and the Alderman will also be coded.
 9 November 2007 : Graphics: The Duchy has a new image, made by our Graphic designer. Soon new designs.
 4 November 2007 : More work: chopping wood and hunting, it is now all possible in the forest.
 3 November 2007 : A FAQ has been coded to help you understand the game.
 2 November 2007 : Recent improvements have been made in the game, Carpenter craft has been coded, Orders of sale, etc.
 1 October 2007 : Bugs have been fixed, you can travel.
 30 October 2007 : You can now write announcements thanks to Allopass, your donations keep the game going.
 29 October 2007 : You can now buy credits via Allopass, your donations keep the game going.
 29 October 2007 : Elections have been coded, only in Troyes is testing them for the moment.
 28 October 2007 : They have arrived, the first taverns of the Kingdom! (Chat V1.0)
 28 October 2007 : The markets are coded, the characters can finally purchase and tradel.
 27 October 2007 : You can choose an avatar and change your RP profile.
 16 October 2007 : You can now travel from one city to another throughout the Kingdom.
 16 October 2007 : The city of Troyes has been added to the Champagne County.
 16 October 2007 : The internal message system has finally arrived, you can now send messages to friends.
 14 October 2007* : The Heraudery has been coded, knighting as well.
 14 October 2007 : The Orders have been coded, you can create an order once you have reached level 4!
 13 October 2007 : The function of the Marchhall of France is now coded!
 12 October 2007 : The church is coded, from now on the priests can baptize!
 11 October 2007 : The market is now coded, but still restricted it terms of purchasing.
From now on you must buy food to feed yourself!
 10 October 2007 : Levels 1 and 2 have been coded. You now have a goal to play for in Middle Ages! More info here.
 8 October 2007 : From Landlords to Peerage, it has all been coded!
 7 October 2007 : Make friends, you will need them!
 6 October 2007 : Hunger and work have been integrated into the game!
 15 September 2007 : The game is open to the public: Medieval Era

The ephemeris

14 Martius 1332
We celebrate today :
- Victorien
- Gaillart
- Raphaëlle
- Christina
- Arnaudon
- Jacmòt
- Lob-Gassie
- Dionizy
- Jarogniewa
- Adefonsus
- Aliça
- Maheut


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